Haskell でオブジェクト指向っぽい書き方。

com-1.2.3 の System.Win32.Com に (#)と(##) が定義されていた。


infixl 1 #
infixl 0 ##

--Operators to provide OO-looking invocation of interface methods, e.g., 
--   ip # meth1 args

-- | The @#@ operator permits /OO-style/ method application with @do@ syntax:
-- @
--  obj # method arg1 arg2
-- @
-- is equivalent to @method arg1 arg2 obj@, so this assumes that the COM method 
-- wrappers takes the /this/ pointer as the last argument. Which the /HDirect/
-- generated wrappers do and the various base method provided by this COM+Automation library.
( # )  :: a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
obj # method          = method obj

-- | A variation on @(#)@ where the /this/ pointer is an action returning an object reference
-- rather than the reference itself. Sometimes useful when you create one-off objects
-- and call methods on them:
-- @
--    (createObject arg1) ## startUp arg2
-- @
-- instead of the wieldier,
-- @
--    obj <- createObject arg1
--    obj # startUp arg2          or createObject arg1 >>= (startUp arg2)
-- @
( ## ) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
mObj ## method        = mObj >>= method


Prelude> let  obj # method = method obj
Prelude> :t (#)
(#) :: t -> (t -> t1) -> t1

Prelude> length [1,2,3]
Prelude> [1,2,3]#length