
wxHaskell で HaskellVBのように使いたい、そう思って来たのですが、公開されている情報が少ないです。



  wxHaskell の Grid の1列目をチェックボックスとしてBool値を編集します。
  http://code.haskell.org/wxhaskell/samples/wx/ のGrid.hsが元になっています。
module Main where
import Graphics.UI.WX
import Graphics.UI.WXCore hiding (Event)

  = start gui

gui :: IO ()
  = do f <- frame [text := "Grid test", visible := False] 
       -- use text control as logger
       textlog <- textCtrl f [wrap := WrapNone, enabled := False] 
       textCtrlMakeLogActiveTarget textlog
       logMessage "logging enabled"              

       -- grids
       g <- gridCtrl f []
       gridSetGridLineColour g (colorSystem Color3DFace)
       gridSetCellHighlightColour g black
       -- ==============================
       g0CellAttr <- gridCellAttrCtor             -- GridCellAttr  オブジェクト生成
       gBoolEdt   <- gridCellBoolEditorCtor       -- CellBoolEditor オブジェクト生成
       gridCellAttrSetEditor g0CellAttr gBoolEdt  -- CellAttr に CellBoolEditor を設定
       gridSetColAttr g 0 g0CellAttr              -- 0 列の CellAttr を設定
       gridSetColFormatBool g 0                   -- 0 列の Format をBoolに設定
       -- ==============================
       g3CellAttr <- gridCellAttrCtor                -- GridCellAttr  オブジェクト生成
       gNumEdt    <- gridCellNumberEditorCtor 0 9999 -- CellNumberEditor オブジェクト生成 min:0 max:9999
       gridCellAttrSetEditor g3CellAttr gNumEdt      -- CellAttr に CellNumberEditor を設定
       gridSetColAttr g 3 g3CellAttr                 -- 3 列の CellAttr を設定
       gridSetColFormatNumber g 3
       -- ==============================
       g4CellAttr <- gridCellAttrCtor              -- GridCellAttr  オブジェクト生成
       gFloatEdt  <- gridCellFloatEditorCtor 5 2   -- 有効数字:5 小数点以下:2桁
       gridCellAttrSetEditor g4CellAttr gFloatEdt  -- CellAttr に CellFloatEditor を設定
       gridSetColAttr g 4 g4CellAttr               -- 4 列の CellAttr を設定
       gridSetColFormatFloat g 4 5 2               -- 4 列の Format をFloatに設定
       -- ==============================
       g5CellAttr <- gridCellAttrCtor              -- GridCellAttr  オブジェクト生成
       choiceEdit <- gridCellChoiceEditorCtor  ["aaa","bbb","ccc"] True
       gridCellAttrSetEditor g5CellAttr choiceEdit  -- CellAttr に CellFloatEditor を設定
       gridSetColAttr g 5 g5CellAttr                -- 5 列の CellAttr を設定
       gridSetColFormatCustom g 5 "Choice"

       appendColumns g ["bool","First Name", "Last Name","Number","Float","Choice"]
       appendRows    g (map show [1..length table])
       mapM_ (setRow g) (zip [0..] table)

       gridAutoSize g

       windowOnKeyDown g (onGridKeyDown g)
       set g [on gridEvent := onGrid]

       -- layout
       set f [layout := column 5 [fill (dynamic (widget g))
                                 ,hfill $ minsize (sz 20 80) $ widget textlog]
       focusOn g
       set f [visible := True]  -- reduce flicker at startup.
       return ()
    onGridKeyDown g (EventKey key mods pt)
      = case key of
          KeyReturn ->          
            do logMessage "keyEnter"
               gridMoveNext g
          _ -> propagateEvent

    onGrid ev
      = case ev of
          GridCellChange row col veto
            -> logMessage ("cell changed: " ++ show (row,col))
          _ -> propagateEvent

table = [ ["1","Daan","Leijen","123","123.45","aaa"]
         ,["0","Arjan","van IJzendoorn","4","2.0","bbb"]

setRow g (row,values) = do 
  mapM_ (\(col,value) -> gridSetCellValue g row col value) (zip [0..] values)


gridCtrl :: Window a -> [Prop (Grid ())] -> IO (Grid ())
gridCtrl parent props
  = feed2 props 0 $
    initialWindow $ \id rect -> \props flags ->
    do g <- gridCreate parent id rect flags
       gridCreateGrid g 0 0 0
       set g props
       return g

gridEvent :: Event (Grid a) (EventGrid -> IO ())
  = newEvent "gridEvent" gridGetOnGridEvent gridOnGridEvent

gridMoveNext :: Grid a -> IO ()
gridMoveNext g
  = do row <- gridGetGridCursorRow g
       col <- gridGetGridCursorCol g
       rowCount <- gridGetNumberRows g
       colCount <- gridGetNumberCols g
       let (r,c) = if (row+1 >= rowCount)
                    then if (col+1 >= colCount)
                     then (0,0)
                     else (0,col+1)
                    else (row+1,col)
       gridSetGridCursor g r c
       gridMakeCellVisible g r c
       return ()

appendColumns :: Grid a -> [String] -> IO ()
appendColumns g []  = return ()
appendColumns g labels
  = do n <- gridGetNumberCols g
       gridAppendCols g (length labels) True
       mapM_ (\(i,label) -> gridSetColLabelValue g i label) (zip [n..] labels)

appendRows :: Grid a -> [String] -> IO ()
appendRows g []      = return ()
appendRows g labels  = do
  n <- gridGetNumberRows g
  gridAppendRows g (length labels) True
  mapM_ (\(i,label) -> gridSetRowLabelValue g i label) (zip [n..] labels)
