Haskell で PostgreSQL のドライバを書く

HaskellPostgreSQL のドライバを書いてみました。C を使わないでも出来ました。

環境は Windows です。
サーバは UTF8 でDBを作り、クライアントは SJIS

  • postgresql.conf : client_encoding のコメントを外し修正。
# client_encoding = sql_ascii            # actually, defaults to database
                                        # encoding

client_encoding = 'SJIS'                # actually, defaults to database
                                        # encoding
  • 確認
>echo "SHOW client_encoding;" |psql test
(1 行)
  • PgDrive.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- ghc --make PgDrive.hs -o pg -I/D/PostgreSQL/8.4/include -L/D/PostgreSQL/8.4/lib -lpq

module Main where

import Foreign.Ptr           (Ptr)
import Foreign.C.String      (CString, withCString, peekCString)
import Foreign.C.Types       (CInt)
import Cinnamon.Ucs          (ucs4ToSjis, sjisToUcs4)
import Data.List             (intersperse)

data PGconn    = PGconn
data PGresult  = PGresult
type PGconObj  = (Ptr PGconn)
type ResultObj = (Ptr PGresult)

#define CONNECTION_OK    0
#define CONNECTION_BAD   1
#define PGRES_TUPLES_OK  2

main = do
    conn <- connectPgsql "host=localhost user=sirocco password=hogehoge dbname=test"
    sts  <- pgStatus conn
    if sts then putStrLn "connect OK.\n"
           else putStr =<< pgErrorMessage conn -- FATAL:  database "testt" does not exist
    -- INSERT
    let ins = ucs4ToSjis "INSERT INTO test VALUES (nextval('test_id_seq'),2,'ほげ','めも --')"
    res  <- pgExec conn ins
    rSTS <- resultStatus res PGRES_COMMAND_OK
    if rSTS then putStrLn "insert OK.\n"
            else putStr =<< pgErrorMessage conn
                 -- ERROR:  syntax error at or near "VALUESS"
                 -- LINE 1: INSERT INTO test VALUESS (nextval('test_id_seq'),2,'ほげ','...
    c_PQclear res
    -- SELECT
    let select = "SELECT * FROM test;"
    selRes <- pgExec conn select
    selSTS <- resultStatus selRes PGRES_TUPLES_OK
    if selSTS then putStrLn "select OK.\n"
            else putStr =<< pgErrorMessage conn

    getValueList selRes 0 3 [] >>= putStrLn.concat.intersperse " " -- => 1 1 hoge memo
    getValueList selRes 1 3 [] >>= putStrLn.concat.intersperse " " -- => 2 1 日本語 めも moemo --
    getValueList selRes 2 3 [] >>= putStrLn.concat.intersperse " " -- => 3 2 ほげ めも --

    c_PQclear selRes
    disConnect conn
    putStrLn "done."

getValueList :: ResultObj -> CInt -> CInt -> [String] -> IO [String]
getValueList res row 0   acc = pgGetValue res row 0   >>= \v -> return (v:acc)
getValueList res row col acc = pgGetValue res row col >>= \v -> getValueList res row (col-1) (v:acc)

-- 接続 
connectPgsql :: String -> IO PGconObj
connectPgsql con = withCString con c_PQconnectdb

-- 接続結果
pgStatus ::  PGconObj -> IO Bool
pgStatus   pgObj = c_PQstatus pgObj >>= return.(CONNECTION_OK ==)

pgErrorMessage :: PGconObj -> IO String
pgErrorMessage pgObj = c_PQerrorMessage pgObj >>= peekCString

pgExec :: PGconObj -> String -> IO ResultObj
pgExec pgObj sql = withCString sql (c_PQexec pgObj)

-- pgExec 結果
resultStatus :: ResultObj -> CInt -> IO Bool
resultStatus result ok = c_PQresultStatus result >>= return.(ok ==)

pgGetValue result row column = c_PQgetvalue result row column >>= peekCString

-- 切断
disConnect :: PGconObj -> IO ()
disConnect pgObj = c_PQfinish pgObj

-- PostgreSQL のライブラリを呼ぶための定義
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQconnectdb"    c_PQconnectdb    :: CString   -> IO PGconObj
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQstatus"       c_PQstatus       :: PGconObj  -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQerrorMessage" c_PQerrorMessage :: PGconObj  -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQexec"         c_PQexec         :: PGconObj  -> CString -> IO ResultObj
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQresultStatus" c_PQresultStatus :: ResultObj -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQgetvalue"     c_PQgetvalue     :: ResultObj -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQclear"        c_PQclear        :: ResultObj -> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "libpq-fe.h PQfinish"       c_PQfinish       :: PGconObj  -> IO ()